Online Law Degrees
Practicing within the field of law can take a variety of forms, from going the traditional route in becoming a lawyer to helping out on the administrative end by seeking a career in the paralegal profession. The main degree types within the field of law are juris doctorate programs (JD), master of laws programs (LLM), and masters of legal studies programs (MLS).
Whereas a traditional law degree takes three years and features an extremely thorough overview of all aspects of legal systems across the globe, degrees like the MLS offer students the chance to become adept at analyzing legal situations and understanding law fundamentals.
For those seeking JD’s, LLMs, or MLS programs alike, however, it can seem impossible to find a university degree program that will fit into the schedule of a full-time worker. Online programs, as a direct result, have become the best friend to advanced degree seekers in the legal field. Armed with a top-notch online curriculum, students can learn the ins and outs of law without having to sacrifice their location or income.
Check out one example of how to become a legal professional with our guide to earning a JD online or a Master of Legal Studies online: