
9 Skills Students Need in the Future Workforce

Even though youth go to school and earn degrees for career paths, there are countless youth who face unemployment in today’s society. There are lots of factors that contribute to this unemployment, including changes in the economy and shifts in the types of jobs needed to support the economy.



Working with Students with ADHD at the High School Level

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect children at all stages of development. In this article, we’ll look at how to work with students with ADHD at the high school level. There are many challenges, but with a little prep work and the right mindset, you can successfully help these students prepare for college or career.

What the U.S. Can Learn from European Schools About Arts Education

The Launch Competition at SXSW EDU introduces attendees to several early-stage edtech startups. The startups pitch their product to a panel of judges, who decide on a winner to receive a check for $2,500 and, of course, exposure on an international level. This year, the ten finalists presenting at Launch represented very diverse interests within the edtech landscape.

4 Skills You Need to Teach Your Students for the Future World of Work

To move ahead with times, we all need to upgrade our skill sets. To make our future knowledge more competitive, we need to go beyond the limitations of the traditional knowledge and prepare them for future industry requirements. The big question is that: How can you contribute as a teacher to make your students future-ready?

Promoting Students’ Physical Health and Wellness

As a teacher, you’re (hopefully) diligent in helping your students stay healthy during this beast of a flu season. But promoting good health extends further than just preventing sickness. Students’ overall health and wellness affect everything from their academic performance to success later in life.

5 Ways to Use Polling Tools in the Classroom

It’s fun to work with actively engaged and enthusiastic students. But holding the attention of distracted kids or making the quiet ones participate can be a big challenge that requires some extra effort and creativity. To get students excited about the learning process, teachers should not only rely on lectures but also incorporate interactive, hands-on activities in the classroom.

6 Ways Teachers Can Increase Their School Paychecks

As America sees the startling reality of what teachers will do for their students, it is difficult to understand why public school teachers are so poorly compensated. We know that there are reasons behind the lack of funding for teachers paychecks, but are these reasons enough to deny our children's caretakers a comfortable standard of living?

Should I Go for My National Board Certification?

Passionate teachers are always looking for new ways to improve their skills. From district-wide professional development to collaborating with the teacher across the hall, there are many ways you can become a more effective educator in and outside of the classroom.

7 Eating Habits of a Successful Teacher

Teachers are some of the busiest people in the world, and their hectic schedules have a tendency to impact their diets. The food you eat affects more than just your basic health – it also affects your energy levels and your ability to be productive. Healthy eating habits will make you better for yourself and better for your students.